Thursday, May 19, 2011

To Michigan with Love

Today I've been finishing the final bits of our paperwork and profile. Tomorrow, Lord willing, everything will begin making it's way to Michigan. My stomach churns at the thought. The act of letting go and putting all or hopes into a box and sending it off to begin the official wait is well... gut wrenching.
Don't get me wrong I'm so excited, but there is still that part of me that won't believe it until we have our little boy or girl in our arms. I still wait to hear the punchline, the caveat, the we're sorry but... I know though, that the Lord has offered up confirmation after confirmation. He has provided provision after provision. He has spoke to our hearts.
The feeling isn't even one of anxiousness, it's more of letting go and simply waiting. Be still and know that I am God... I hear Him whispering to me. So as I attach each photo to our profiles, I say a prayer; for God's will, for our baby, our mama, and for every selfless woman who looks at our profile and makes an incredible difficult choice.
Somehow, it feels like we're packaging up years worth of hopes and tears praying that in the end they will have all been worth it. Lord, bless this journey, keep us in Your will.

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