Thursday, March 14, 2013

This 320 Life

I used to blog. I used to blog a lot actually but we moved and got focused on where God had planted us.  I started blogging again about our adoption journey, but my plans met God's plans and rather than a private domestic adoption we found ourselves in the middle of an incredible foster care journey that led to us adopting our two youngest daughters. I love looking back at my old blog and following that journey, however I'm feeling the need for a new home now. I moved all my old posts over here so you can see parts of the journey too. I'm still struggling about how to do this. How to share and hopefully encourage and inspire others going through this journey... yet maintain some anonymity for myself and my family.

Even saying that I feel like I'm stuck in a state of fearfulness. For crying out loud, I live in one town over from my daughters birth family. I see them weekly. It's not like I'm living some private life. I guess it comes down to this fierce mama bear part of me that doesn't want them to know anything about MY daughters. To see the gains and the struggles. To see how incredible they are. To see my vulnerability. To have any part in their lives. Does that sound horrible?

I've been working on a video of our story for almost a year now. A video documenting it all... or at least some of it. I truly think I could write a book on the thirteen months we spent as foster parents to our daughters. I wish now that I had kept a journal during it all, but in all honesty that would have been exhausting.

So here I am again putting pen to paper fingers to keyboard. I'm hoping to connect with others. Others who have walked this road. Who have fought the battles, who have embraced the blessings. In thinking of a name for this blog I was reminded of  a promise whispered to me years ago as we tried to have more biological children. The phrase "exceedingly, abundantly". I remembered looking it up and finding this verse from Ephesians 3:20-21:

Now to him who is able to do far more abundantly than all that we ask or think, according to the power at work within us, to him be glory in the church and in Christ Jesus throughout all generations, forever and ever. Amen.  

God has done that and more... he has done far more abundantly than I could ever thing or ask. This life I live, that I have been given is so abundant... overflowing... this 320 life. 

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