And you, know I can't blame it on one child or the other. None of them are horrible. Well maybe one particular daughter of mine who has decided to fully launch into temper tantrums and use her new found potty skills as a way to escape the
I want to throw in the corner. I called one my best adoption mama yesterday. I can't do it. She reminded me of the stuff I knew. It's been a week. This is your ministry. You'd kick yourself later. Then the words of wisdom from a mom of nine... "Did you think adding a toddler and preschooler to the mix would be easy? Enjoyable? Pleasant?" I think I did, I got blinded by the pretty thoughts of how it would be. And darnit all, it's hard. It's draining. But I know that this is what our family is called to, this is our passion. So, I will plug a way, honestly it's the only fair thing to do. I'm not saying it's wrong to decide a kiddo(s) isn't a good fit.. we've done that too and don't regret it at all. But, I think a week (THE week) isn't fair to any of my kids. We need to adjust. There are growing pains, very real ones, and the lovely "Gotcha Day" videos don't show that. And I just needed to be real. Just in case you're struggling too.
This morning I read Psalm 19 and the following led to a big 'ol prayer written right there and dated (one of those stones we pile up).
The law of the Lord is perfect,
reviving the soul;
the testimony of the Lord is sure,
making wise the simple;
the precepts of the Lord are right,
rejoicing the heart;
the commandment of the Lord is pure,
enlightening the eyes;
the fear of the Lord is clean,
enduring forever;
and righteous altogether.
More to be desired are they than gold,
even much fine gold;
sweeter also than honey
Moreover, by them is your servant warned;
in keeping them there is great reward.
The italic/bold sections are the parts that hit me. During this battle, during the chaos I need His words to guide me. To revive me, to give me joy, to enlighten my eyes and give me truth.
UPDATE- After posting the link to this post on FB and commenting that, " it just bugs me a little because you see all the happy happy sometimes, and then you feel like you're doing something wrong because it's not all roses and Steven Curtis Chapman song." My sweet friend Shannon posted this link to Jen Hatmaker's blog: After the Airport. I think she was at Summit last year, super hoping she's at it this year too... I have to laugh that I'm so stalkerish on all these adoption mamas, lol. OK... now back to the trenches, I'm sure there's a puddle of pee somewhere to clean up.
UPDATE- After posting the link to this post on FB and commenting that, " it just bugs me a little because you see all the happy happy sometimes, and then you feel like you're doing something wrong because it's not all roses and Steven Curtis Chapman song." My sweet friend Shannon posted this link to Jen Hatmaker's blog: After the Airport. I think she was at Summit last year, super hoping she's at it this year too... I have to laugh that I'm so stalkerish on all these adoption mamas, lol. OK... now back to the trenches, I'm sure there's a puddle of pee somewhere to clean up.
THREE!!! two year olds?!? God BLESS you momma!! I feel like hiding in the corner sometimes with my 2 littles and then really get to wondering what am I thinking with this pursing foster care stuff (we are in the middle of GPS classes for our license) but you know when God puts something on your heart.. you can't ignore Him...I mean you can try...but in my experiences He just keeps prodding at you and often your miserable until you submit, trust, and obey....and then even in the hard...even in the momma meltdown of just overwhelmed and crying out "God?! really, how?!? I can't do this!!"...It seems to all work out...amazing that God of ours!! I appreciate your heart to love on those kiddos and your family anwsering their cries with the heart of Jesus being His feet to go and His arms to hug! and I appreciate your honesty in this post....It's not all sunshine and roses but there is a rainbow promise and a day of eternal joy coming!! I hope I get to meet you at Summit!!
ReplyDeleteThanks for checking out my blog! On the bright side today went better. My personality is very controlling and I like to be in charge of everything... HA! That is totally not compatible with having this many littles... or heck foster care in general. I think the last eight months that we have spent living "normal" since the finalization of our adoption with the twins made me totally forget and get used to what our "new normal" was. And here we are again being forced to create a new "new normal." It will come. Our pastor and friend always says "blessed are the flexible, for they shall not break." Flexible, flexing... flex.... I'm trying.
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