India is the home to 31 million of the world's orphans. David Trotter
and Shawn Scheinoha traveled there with the goal of telling the story of
some of these orphans. Upon arrival at a train station in Tenali, India
they found a family of 25 children living together under the guidance
of a 20 year old orphan named Reddy. This documentary follows them and
introduces us to their stories in their words. We see the reality of sex
abuse, police brutality, substance abuse and HIV/AIDS that is part of
these children daily lives. We watch as a 19 year old girl relays how
she cuts herself to numb the pain of remembering her son who died. We go
to the grave of a young man who died on the streets from a drug
overdose. Somehow though these children have come together to take care
of each other. Rebecca St. James opens the documentary with a quote from
Mother Teresa, "I have come to realize more and more
that the greatest disease and the greatest suffering is to be unwanted,
unloved, uncared for, to be shunned by everybody, to be just nobody [to
no one].” Despite their situation this group has found community,
family, and love among each other.
Among the group are two young siblings, Polayya and Koteswarei, ages 3
and 7. Reddy hopes for them to find a home and not grow up on the
streets. David and Shawn step in and contact Harvest India ( a local
children's home and orphanage) to help. The documentary concludes as the
group of 25 visit HI and make the decision whether to allow Polayya and
Koteswarei to move there.
This 49 minute documentary is a first hand glimpse and the life 31
MILLION children are living. There stories are heart breaking. Unto One
has been given a DVD to review as well as the opportunity for one person
to win a copy.
We'd love to hear from you, let us know you're
reading our UNTO ONE blog by leaving a comment over at We will randomly pick one winner
Sunday, April 28th to receive a copy. If you live locally please contact Jess to borrow the DVD.
Please take a chance to watch this brief trailer.
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