Slow going... it feels like we are in limbo right now with so many things pulling for attention. We're moving forward, but with things that seem unrelated. Right now we're waiting for the home study to begin. All of our paperwork is in, but our caseworker is finishing up with some other clients right now. So in the meantime, I'm getting our home in tip top shape with some spring cleaning, purging stuff and putting it in our yard sale pile, and they to make it all just a little bit more fun some redecorating/painting. We are looking at some busy months coming up, and not simply because of the adoption. One of the thing we get to look forward to is the graduation of Kahli! How can it be that!? I am so proud of her and amazed by how quickly time has gone by. So that's what's going on now... we are waiting, and doing the things we can and need to do. In a way I feel like we're in the calm before the storm (and I don't mean storm as in bad, but storm of business rather), so I'm just working doing what I can and trusting God with the rest. Our hope is that we will hear from our home study case worker within the next week or two. Please be praying that everything moves along in a timely fashion and that the Lord would prepare our hearts for whatever comes.
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